What Things You Should Check
While Buying Hair Extension Boxes?

Before buying custom hair extension boxes, you must consider the essential checklist including effective and business booster tips, strategies, and expert suggestions. Do your hair extensions business a favor by making the right custom packaging choices. Focus on durable and excellent quality materials, dimensions of the boxes, and design considerations that guarantee the success of your business.

Olivia Chen
Olivia Chen
what things you should check while buying hair extension boxes

Behind every glamorous hair, there lies an invisible hair extension that adds color, grace, and volume to your original hair. Hair thinning, loss, and styling are some reasons why we need to put extra hair on our heads. Including aging or androgenetic Alopecia, tons of other factors contribute to the increasing ratio of hair extension users worldwide. With the current 2.26 billion U.S. dollar market value, the hair extension industry is foreseen to increasingly skew till 2028. Consequently, it's high time to generate revenue by beautifying everyone's personality with thick hair.

When the secret of a great personality hides in silky-shiny hair, why not make it accessible to everyone who needs it? For celebrities performing versatile roles, a day-to-day experiment on original hair is next to possible. Here comes the role of hair extension to make an actor best fit into every character. Character transformation to faster styling, everything signifies hair extension. To generate passive income in the fashion industry with synthetic clip-in hair extensions, great packaging, and boxes are required.

The point to be pondered here is 'how?' Customizing perfect hair extension boxes needs us to consider lots of things. Why do you need custom hair extension boxes? What does it do to your business? What is the best material for hair extension packaging? How do hair extension boxes enhance your sales? How do hair extension boxes appeal to the customer? And Where to buy these boxes? Solving all these queries, one after the other, always resulted in a more effective and successful approach to packaging and presenting custom hair extension boxes. In this post, we will share the top secret to buying dazzling custom hair box packaging. Let's kick-start the discussion:

Hair Extension Packaging: why? How? & Where?

Hair Extension Packaging

Hair extension packaging is not made for single use. You need to carry them on your handbags while going to salons, hairdressers display extensions on walls, wholesalers stock them in large boxes, and retailers showcase them on dummies. The versatility in displaying these hair infusions emphasizes styling, and designing its packaging boxes to a great extent.

Customized hair extension boxes, on one side of the picture, create a consistent brand image. It simply puts your logo on boxes, just as a good gesture or quick resemblance of your brand. When no one at the shops allows the customers to open the zippers to try extensions before purchasing, the great packaging can do it for you. Whether synthetic or made of human hair, clipped or tapped, you can print everything on boxes to let them speak on their own.

Tons of positive reviews, resourceful factories equipped with great advanced printing press, and commitment to excellence navigate the path of the best hair extension packaging boxes. To get everything in one place, The Custom Boxes are worth considering. We are among the top-tier packaging companies that have extended their networks to reach approximately 100+ countries.

Adds On Embellishment For Dazzling Hair Extension Packaging:

What to look for when buying hair extensions Boxes? It strongly hits minds. A simple cardboard long strip with PVC covering and hooks for the clips of extension is considered good packaging. Yes, it displays as well as secures your products, effectively.

Do you think, the Keratin fusion extension ($900) is worth such packaging? Not at all. A luxurious pack made with high-end material, printed from both sides and having a separable lid with gold or silver foiling seems ideal. Embossing, metallic coating, and the addition of paper quilling for cushioning your product delicacy, all excite customers greatly.

Adds on or additional embellishments on rigid boxes for artificial hair including ribbons, handles, bows, and decorative lids make your boxes exclusive. Prints, QR scanning, and graphics sketching the picture of people's heart-favorite extensions ignite someone's wishes to buy it at a single glance. However, your honorable brand's logo and name if printed on hair extension boxes improve the overall sales of the product.

Things To Confirm Before Making A Purchase:

Buying the hair extension boxes

Buying the hair extension boxes seems like an easy job; however, the process needs lots of technicalities to tackle. From material to design selection, we need tons of things that seem minute but have a great impact on the aesthetics.

1. Clear Image of Latest Market Trends:

It's tough to start the process with a clear image of the end product or custom hair extension boxes, though not impossible. We are living in an era, where smart screens are windows to all the latest social media trends. You must scroll down the web pages and go to experts. Undoubtedly, a symphony of your expectations and expert's experiences always wraps up into a wonderful hair extension box. Even if you're a slave of procrastination, get in touch with the packaging brand of the nation 'The Custom Boxes'. Highly supportive customer support and 3D mockups are ideal to get through the process with great ease.

2. Highly Functional Interlocking:

Excess of everything is bad; the same goes with the custom hair extension boxes. Styling, in fact, we must say over styling, on even personalized boxes that only adds to appeal but doesn't to functionality spoils the overall looks. However, the best design that is functional as well as beautiful always sustains no matter how competitive the market is. Before buying the boxes for hair extensions, select interlocking that is practical and advanced. Great unboxing sets the stage for giving an unparalleled unboxing experience to clients.

3. Glam At A Single Glace:

In the market, attractive packaging is only meant to attract customers. Are you dreaming of getting noticed by the customers? Make your boxes as fashionable as possible! The hair extension boxes fall in the category of fashion accessories, so they must be glamorous. Select exciting colors, work on its graphics, and laminate it for silky or waterproof finishing. To put it simply, customers take your extension boxes as lenses to judge their quality, so design them properly. If it succeeds in attracting customers, no other competitor will compete with you in the long run.

Vital Things To Note About Hair Extension Packaging Material:

Hair Extension Packaging Material

Material; the strength, and quality of your box solely depend on this one important yet vital element of packaging. The world's most sought-after Russian hair extensions can't be sold in plastic or sub-standard cardboard boxes. Being the first choice of all hair extension lovers, rigid boxes or luxury boxes made with high first-grade thick cardboard material with velvety or metallic finish and gold embossed brand name suits the product quality. The good thing about this material is that you can use it more than once.  When your wigs or hair extensions are not made for single use; why its packaging doesn't support multiple uses? Sustainable, 100% recyclable, and reusable material sets high standards for the packaging industry. We believe it to be the best material for making custom extension boxes worldwide. The great strength, robust material, and wonderful tactile experience make our box one in a million. 

Hair Extensions Packaging Ideas Boost Sales:

There is not a single way to explain the extension packaging ideas boost sales. The best one lies in solving a simple mystery. What do you as a buyer want to have on a custom-boxed product? You might come around so many things; no worries. 90% of people purchase products on three main aspects:

  • What does its packaging say about the product?
  • What they have heard about the product? Or simply believe in the word of mouth.
  • Whether a package of a product tell the true story of its quality?

Meticulously crafted hair extension packaging must have these three vital things. If they do, no other factor except price constraints can affect their purchase decision. The process goes the same for every visitor; ultimately, generates sales.

What Makes Hair Extensions Packaging Boxes So Special?

Hair Extensions Packaging Boxes

The packaging of the hair extension itself is so special, especially for those who value it.  It enhances the social media appearance and takes the gift-giving experience to new heights. Tangle-free protection of hair extension, either made with synthetic or original human, signifies why extension boxes are important. With a limited scope of variation in the product quality, you tell everything about your brand, extensions, and direction to use on custom boxes. Above all, the artistically created designs that seize customers' eyes to suppress all other related products.


In a nutshell, when you are ready to buy hair extensions custom packaging, great material, high-class or sophisticated artwork, and exciting outlook matter. The positive consistent brand image, high-end, more sales, and customer retention are some of its benefits. To take its allure to new heights add-ons and custom embellishments do wonders. Last but not least, its impact also depends on which packaging company you choose to get it done. Thus, pick the top-rated packaging company or simply get assistance from The Custom Boxes. See you again! Wait for the next Blog. We will be here soon.

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